Apoulos’s Weblog

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True or False: This is a Cool Relevant Title

1.   True

2.   True

3.   False

4.   True: I think that everyone in the group shares the responsibility of setting goals. This is an important part of the group working together.

5.   True: I have tried to organize the wiki for our websites.

6.   True

7.   False

8.   True

9.   True

10.   True: I think that all the roles needed in a group to succeed are present. I think this because we are coming together in designing the wiki, and seem to be progressing better as a group and also able to handle tasks better.

11.   False: I think our group has been instrumental in being able to, “facilitate and coordinate group effort in the selection and definition of a common problem and in the solution of that problem.” (Benne and Sheats p.54)

12. True

13.   False

14. False

15. True: I’m not sure if you want three examples of roles and/or three situations in class. I think that some of the roles that I have played are: group-observer and commentator, gate keeper and expediter, and initiator-contributor. The first one group-observer I think I’ve constantly done throughout class by keeping mental notes of where the group is progressing and “various aspects of group process.” The second one gate-keeper, I think I’ve done during small group discussions by asking what “Mr.X” think about an idea. The third one initiator-contributor I think I’ve done in class within groups by “proposes to the group new ideas.” It’s hard though to assign roles to myself and other people would probably tag me in different roles, some positive and maybe some negative.

16.   True: A. group-observer and commentator,  B. gate keeper and expediter,  C. initiator-contributor. My decision to “flex” is because I think its better for the group to be able to change roles for different situations. Also I don’t want to get stuck in only doing one role. An example of why its good is because if I play the role of group-observer and commentator all the time, I might not end up contributing to the “actual” process as much as I could.

17.   True

18.   False: I think that sometimes I will resist to the “retraining”, it might come through as different things at different times. It could come off as stubborn and not wanting to change my role to help the group or it could come as doing too much when I should be focusing on a certain role.

 19.   False

20.   False

21.   True

22.   True

23.   True

24.   False

25.   True

May 1, 2008 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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